Tuesday, June 22, 2010

There’s No Place Like Home

Flowers 2010

6,077.5 miles, 20 states and 15 days later, we pulled into our driveway again!  I guess for a lot of people two weeks is  a normal vacation.  For us home bodies, it is a l-o-ong time to be gone!  We parted ways with Kenny and Becky and they headed back to NC.  Andrea and Elaine drove to Colorado with us.  

Godby Reunion in Arkansas

Elaine was so upset to be leaving Uncle Kenny!

Elaine was a pretty good traveler…14 hours in a car seat is a long time!  Andrea rode in the back with her which was probably pretty helpful!  Andrea was also helpful to us.  On our road trip I had a terrible time playing our Adventures in Odyssey stories form my iPod.  I would start an episode and a few minutes into the story, it would switch to another story.  Very frustrating especially when we could get nothing on the radio. So I ask Andrea if she can figure anything out.  After two seconds she had it fixed…apparently I have a shuffle mode on my iPod!  Well I did know this, just didn’t know it was on! 

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