Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thankful Thursday


This summer I decided to read the book Life Management for Busy Women.   I’ve read the book before, and somewhere along the line I picked up the  accompanying study guide.  I thought I needed the help in getting “my life” back on track.  I worked out the chapters and figured that if I accomplished one a week I could complete the study about the time that BSF was beginning again.  Well, it is taking me a little longer than a week to finish a chapter.  The study guide actually has quite a few questions to complete.  I love that it is grounded in scripture and I am spending a lot of time looking at familiar and new passages. What I really appreciate is that the book begins with the right foundation, the spiritual life.  Though much of the information is not new it is refreshing.  I have gotten a bit lazy in the “disciplines” of the Christian walk.  The first two chapters deal with developing a passion for God’s Word.  The principle to give God my time-my first time-and my early time, has been ringing in my ears.  It is amazing to me that once you make a commitment to something, how quickly it will be tested.  I feel I’ve been pretty good at taking time to be in God’s Word each day.  Even to make it my “first time.”  But early?  Hmmm.  As soon as I decided to do that, I have had the biggest struggle in staying up late and sleeping through the alarm.  Then to top it off, I cannot believe the pull to check my email first thing rather than give God that first time!

I am encouraged by this quote from the book about discipline…”You do it because you need to and are supposed to do it and because it is the right thing to do…then somehow the duty of the discipline turns into sheer delight and we reap the blessings of a priceless, tender relationship with the Lord a thousand fold. 

So I am taking the first steps.  If I get hung up on first time, there is always tomorrow to set it right.  My goal is to make early time a desire (I am truly a night owl) and a reality by the end of summer! 

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