Friday, December 17, 2010


Isn’t that a fun word? Webster’s says it means, “the faculty of finding valuable, or agreeable things not sought for.”  That’s kind of a fancy way of saying, what a pleasant surprise!  I got a “serendipity” in the mail last week.  A card and a little package from an old friend.  Debbie and I met at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in Owatonna, MN way back in 1978!  We were both freshmen and she lived across the hall from me!  I believe Wally and I visited Debbie and her husband Steve on one of our cross- country moves in the Air Force.   Through the years we have been good about exchanging Christmas cards and watching each others kids grow up through the pictures that came in them each year.  In 2004 we drove Andrea and Kenny to Ambassador Baptist Bible College in North Carolina.  On the return trip we went through Indianapolis and I popped in on Debbie at her workplace. That is where the picture below was taken.


Most recently Debbie and I caught up with each other on fb.  How fun to now share a peek at each others grandchildren! I've recently deactivated my fb account and Debbie was one of those connections I thought I would lose. But her note said she had been keeping up with me on my blog and she also follows Andrea’s blog!  How fun!! Thank you Debbie, for being a faithful friend all of these years. Thank you for the unexpected surprise in the mail last week that I do consider to be of value and that I treasure!  You are a blessing to my life!

I had one other “serendipity” last week.  A phone call from Wesley.  He wanted to know if I wanted to go to lunch with him.  He came by and picked me up and took me to Chiles!  Thanks Wes!  I love those moments!

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