Wednesday, November 10, 2010

WHAT?? Another Birthday?

Yep.  That’s the way they come some times.  Twenty-Eight years ago today, Andrea Michelle was born. 

Andrea with Mr. Bear in rocker

She was a two finger sucking girl who had a pink fluffy friend, Mr. Bear.  Whew, where have the years gone?   Mostly they have gone into growing a little girl into a lovely woman.   I gave Andrea a plaque a few years ago that says, “a daughter is a little girl who grows up to be your friend?”  It is so true for me.


Today I spent a wonderful day with my daughter, which does not  happen very often anymore.  She took me to Manhattan via the subway and walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.  I am quite impressed that a girl who only knew she was going west because she saw the mountains, navigates the streets and subway system so well!  Though she has only lived in Brooklyn for five months, she has quite a bit of New York know how!

I have been here visiting Andrea for almost a week now.  It has been fun to be in her home and watch her as wife, mommy and homemaker, three jobs she does very well.  Wally and I are very proud of Andrea, the good kind of pride.  She has always been a hard worker, very capable and efficient.  So it is a blessing to see how her abilities and  gifts have come full circle and are being used in her life.  You’re doing a great job, sis!

The Lord blessed our family 28  years ago when He gave us   Andrea.  She has been a joy and a delight to have as our daughter.  Happy, Happy Birthday, dear daughter!!  We love you very much!


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