Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Garden Goodies

Last week when I returned from Brooklyn, NY I went out to check on my garden.  Laying there, big as life were these squash.


They seem kind of big for slicing up and grilling! 

But I was pleased with my other pickings…


Not bad at all…there was lettuce too.



Strawberries!  I only get about six at a time…but it’s a beginning!

On Wednesday, the day after I returned, Wally and I had breakfast with my folks.  Then I went by their house and checked out the corn.  The past couple of years, Wally and I have been planting the corn there and then Dad does all the weeding, watering and whatever an old Iowa farmer does to grow tall corn.  And it usually is very tall!


A few weeks ago Englewood had a big storm…lots of rain and flooding and wind.  Dad came home and said the corn was laying flat!  He tied it up.  With a little time and some sunshine, it recovered and we are looking at good corn! 


Dad has a small patch of dirt behind the garage that we usually ignore.  But this year Wally and I planted all Dad’s seed he left out in a bag…some of it was dated 2007.  The corn came up but it was pretty sparse and Dad almost let it go.  But he left it and now its not looking so bad either.

Dad and me

Dad and his tractor…he was talking instead of smiling!

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