Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Everyone who has a married daughter should have a son-in-law like ours.  Wally and I are very thankful for Ben.  This past Sunday was Ben’s 27th Birthday.  He is definitely All-Pro with us!

Ben Hamilton

I remember the first time we met Ben.  We had been hearing from Andrea about an interest developing her senior year of college.  Wally was working down in Louisiana after Katrina.  He got this great idea for me to fly into Atlanta, he would drive and meet me there, then we would head up to NC and surprise her for her Birthday.  So that was just what we did.  We walked in on her while she was working as an RA monitoring the student center.  Kenny and some friends of Andrea helped us get a cake together and some pizza.  In we walked to surprise Andrea.  Interesting that Ben…who was not an RA…was there doing a little monitoring of his own!  He was invited to join us and I remember us getting a game of Rook going which he also joined in on.   

PICT0223This picture was from that night.  Don’t they both look a bit smitten and giggly here??

Later Ben told us that he had been praying about dating Andrea. He had a couple of specific requests.  One…which he thought was a pretty big impossibility…was that he wanted to meet Andrea’s parents.  Did you know that sometimes answered prayers come with pizza?

We have been very blessed to have Ben become Andrea’s husband.  He is a good provider, hard worker, and great Dad to two of the greatest grand kids on earth!  He has a heart for the Lord and is willing to serve Him…even all the way in Brooklyn, NY!  And I guess you already know he is a man of prayer!


Ben, we are thankful for you!

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