Sunday, October 9, 2011

This MIL is a NIL

Kenny called me the other night.  He had a cooking question.  He was fixing dinner for Becky who was one her way home.  It was her Birthday.  Yikes!  I had just recently been thinking, “It seems like Becky has a fall Birthday.  I better ask Kenny just when it is”  Too late!  I now have Becky Godby added to my Birthday calendar for October 6!  Next year, this mother in law does not want to be a big zero.

Kenny and Becky were married June 4 of this year.  She is already proving to be a wonderful helpmeet to Kenny.  She is a gifted pianist…and Kenny is the music leader at their church.  She is young and energetic… great for a youth Pastor’s wife.  Best of all she loves the Lord and has desires to serve Him.  I think that is the best quality any son could look for in his wife!  Thank you Kenny.  It certainly makes it a joy to welcome a new daughter to the family! 

I think I have said this before, but we feel very blessed to have Becky in our family. I think my only regret is that they live so far away and we cannot spend more time together. We’re so glad Kenny caught ya’ Becky.

Becky has a blog called Our Life in the Big City.  She shares a lot of their life and experiences there.  She also enjoys DIY projects and crafts and shares that as well.  If you visit, you can see for yourself how blessed we are!

Happy Birthday Becky!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much that was very sweet of you to say :) the fondue was amazing btw. How was your house warming party?


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