Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ben’s Birthday

Today is Ben, our son-in-laws birthday!  We feel very blessed and grateful to have Ben in our family.  Ben is a great fit for Andrea and he’s proving to be a great Daddy too.  One of his best points is that he doesn’t mind if his mother-in law comes for visits! 

This is a mile-stone Birthday Ben!  Now that you are 25 and married, you get to move into a cheaper car insurance bracket!  Not that you will probably notice that there in New York!

NYC - The Statue of Liberty

You’re a good fit with our family


Christmas Eve

Easter with Ben, Andrea, & Elaine 

Ben has blessed our family with his patience, flexibility and sense of humor!  He is a hard worker both in providing for his family and in his study habits, while in school and now in the ministry.  He has a competitive streak…be careful if you play Monopoly or Parcheesi with him.  He is musical…did you know he plays the piano?  He loves people and has a wonderful heart to serve the Lord, know His word and see others come to know Jesus Christ personally.  We love you Ben and wish you a Happy, Happy Birthday!  May this next year of life find you becoming more Christ-like and abundantly experiencing His blessings as you continue serving Him!

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