Friday, May 9, 2014

Sweet Sunday

One of the things that I miss about having my kids grown and out on their own, is being in church together. I was anticipating getting to do that while we were in FL.  An added bonus was having Wally’s Mom with us.  A double added bonus was that Ben and Andrea would be presenting their ministry to Kenny’s church.  So my heart was already full. 

photo (31)Wesley and Grams

IMG_0505Ben and Andrea’s display table


This is Elaine.  Right after Children’s Church was over, she came dashing into the auditorium and grabbed a pile of prayer cards off their table.  It is her “job” to hand them out to people.  She takes that job pretty serious…not one person left with out a prayer card for the Hamiltons!  Some might have even received two! 


Here’s Kenny leading his choir.  My daughter elbowed me for taking pictures in church, but I did it anyway!  I just don’t get to be part of their lives in this way very often. Becky played the piano but I don’t know what happened to that picture…maybe Andrea deleted it!  Anyway,  I took a picture of Andrea too when she played the second piano Sunday night!

photo (30)

This Sunday was a special  day and sweet in another realm…the spiritual realm.  On Friday when we returned from the Everglades and entered into cell phone service again, Kenny discovered he had about 20 voice mails and text messages from the members of his church.  Earlier that morning Mark Brown, Kenny’s Pastor had collapsed during his morning working out.  Kenny and Becky were thrown into a flurry of activity on Friday evening and Saturday…visiting at the hospital several times, organizing a prayer meetings, and preparing for a very different Sunday service.  I was impressed with how many times that church family came together to pray for their Pastor.  Many things were being done for him medically but also spiritually.  Though we did not know it at the time, Pastor Brown would never regain consciousness.  After we returned home, the family made the difficult decision to remove all life support. 

So on this Sunday, I watched my little boy whom I knew was hurting, step up and lead his church.  Becky, also hurting, stepped in beside Kenny with her quiet strength.  I watched Ben and Andrea come along-side and support the ministry that day.  While Kenny led the teens as he usually did during Sunday School, Ben taught he adult class that Pastor Brown would have taught.  Then Kenny led the church service, choir, preaching and special music.  Becky organized the ladies to bring a basket of things for the family of Pastor Brown while they sat at the hospital.  There were meetings with the deacons and trustees, and more prayer meetings.  I know that it was only the enabling of the Holy Spirit that any of this was accomplished.  He promises to come along side us and help us in our times of need.  He is the Great Enabler!  Kenny and Becky sang a song together, “God Makes No Mistakes!”  They were living that testimony!  And it was indeed a sweet Sunday!


My life I give to You, O Lord.
Use me, I pray.
May I glorify Your precious name
In all I do and say.
Let me trust You in the valley dark
As well as in the light,
Knowing You will always lead me;
Your will is always right.

I know God makes no mistakes.
He leads in every path I take
Along the way that's leading me to home.
Tho' at times my heart would break,
There's a purpose in every change He makes:
That others would see my life and know
That God makes no mistakes.

And when some day in heav'n above
I see His dear face,
May I then be counted faithful
As a runner in this race.
But now I'm trusting in the Savior
To show me the way.
In His righteousness He guides me,
As I seek to please Him day by day.

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